Train coach seating:
On most excursions we post our guests name about their seats. On excursions that require Alberta Prairie to use row numbers and seat letters to identify assigned seats this information is posted above seats and assigned seats are printed on tickets. Most of Alberta Prairie Railway’s cars are day coaches with rows of seats much like an airplane with each row numbered 1 to as much as 18 from north to south. The seats in each row are lettered A and B on one side and C and D in the same row number would be together but across the aisle. So a group of eight (8) seats might look like rows 5 and 6 and seats AB and CD. This would be a block of seats four on one side of the aisle and four directly across the aisle in the same rows. Depending in how things work out, another block of six seats might be rows 8 to 10 with seats CD, CD, and CD and that would be six (6) seats all together all on one side of an aisle.
The exception to all of this is Coach 5082 which has moveable single chairs and rows 1, 2, 3, 4, etc. all the way up to 14. Each of the rows or areas can have as few as one and as many as four seats all together in a block. Seats A, B and C can be on either sides of the coach. However, all of the odd numbered rows are on one side and the even numbers are on the other. In this case a block of six (6) seats, all on one side of this coach, might look like Row 5 seats A,B,C, and Row 7 seats A,B,C. This different seating arrangement applies only to Coach 5082 and not to any other coach in the fleet.