Adults (14 & over) $150.00, Children (3 to 13) $85.00, 2 & under n/c
The excitement begins with the first excursion of 2025. Why not invite your mother to celebrate her day with family on the train. Special features include a flower and other giveaways for mothers, plus wine or beer with the meal. This trip includes full course buffet baked ham and scalloped potato meal with all the trimmings at the hall in Big Valley, live entertainment in both the coaches and Lone Star Saloon, time to visit Granny’s Fudge Factory and All That Buzz and explore a fully restored 1912 Canadian Northern railway station, the blue church on the hill – St Edmund’s, McAlister’s Garage Museum, Big Valley Hand-tool and Collectibles Museum, Big Valley Rail Car Museum, and the roundhouse and elevator interpretive centres. Please be warned that the Reynolds Raiders are likely pretty hungry after six months of ice, cold and no trains to rob.